Yvonne Chauvel

Yvonne Chauvel has been nominated for the Carer of the Year award

‘YVONNE has been at the Animal Shelter for over 25 years,’ said her nominator, who wishes to remain anonymous. 

‘She’s always got a smile, and she’s always willing to help, not only the animals but the people too.’ 

‘Not many people will stay in the same job that long. It just shows her dedication and passion. She thoroughly deserves an award like this.’ 

As a senior supervisor at the GSPCA, Yvonne Chauvel assesses the animals, wild or domestic, who come through the shelter, organises veterinary care and nurses them back to health. 

For Yvonne, the best thing is the joy she gets from seeing the animals released after a long period of recovery, like the hundreds of oiled seabirds she has cared for. She calls them ‘the little soldiers of the sea’. 

‘They’ve got so much fight in them, they want to live. You never know what’s going to come in through the doors next.’ 

Her time at the GSPCA is what Yvonne fondly calls her ‘third life’, having previously worked as a social worker and in retail, and she shows no signs of stopping this one any time soon. 

‘I’m so grateful that my life has led me in this way,’ she said.

Other Finalists

Abigail Baudains

Abigail Baudains has been nominated for Carer of the Year

Alex Le Pelley

Alex Le Pelley has been nominated for the Carer of the Year award

Chateau Du Village Nursing Home

Chateau Du Village Nursing Home has been nominated for the Carer of the Year award

Cobo Suite at Maison L’Aumone

Cobo Suite at Maison L’Aumone has been nominated for the Carer of the Year award

Dawn Robin

Dawn Robin has been nominated for the Carer of the Year award

Debbie Le Page

Debbie Le Page has been nominated for Carer of the Year award

Emilia Fernandes

Emilia Fernandes has been nominated for the Carer of the Year award

James Le Flem

James Le Flem has been nominated for the Carer of the Year award

Joanne Melia

Joanne Melia has been nominated for Carer of the Year award

Kamila Obacz

Kamila Obacz has been nominated for Carer of the Year

Maggi Pryke

Maggi Pryke has been nominated for Carer of the Year

Rosemary Willey and Alfie the Wag therapy dog

Rosemary Willey and Alfie the Wag therapy dog have been nominated for Carer of the Year award

Russels Day Centre voluntary bus drivers and escorts

Russels Day Centre's voluntary bus drivers and escorts have been nominated for the Carer of the Year award

Sarah Langlois

Sarah Langlois has been nominated for Carer of the Year

Sophie Bailey

Sophie Bailey has been nominated for the Carer of the Year award

Sophie Veron

Sophie Veron has been nominated for the Carer of the Year award

Tom Falla

Tom Falla has been nominated for the Carer of the Year award