Sophie Bailey

Sophie Bailey has been nominated for the Carer of the Year award

‘Anyone is lucky to be cared for’ by Sophie Bailey, a newly promoted senior carer at Browhill Nursing Home.

In the last year, Sophie Bailey has not only become a first-time mum at the age of 21 following a traumatic birth, but has devoted herself to working full-time at the home to ensure that the residents are cared for as if they are ‘her own family’.

‘She puts her work and her family before herself,’ said one of the several nominators who put Sophie forward for the Pride of Guernsey Carer of the Year award.

‘Sophie loves and cares for literally anyone who crosses her path – all the residents at Browhill Nursing Home are so grateful for her, she will go the extra mile for anyone young or old,’ said another.

Following the birth of Sophie’s first baby last May and her first few months of motherhood, the young carer returned to the home and was promoted to senior carer after six months.

‘Sophie is so selfless and caring and a lovely person with a kind heart – residents are so lucky to be cared for by someone like Sophie.’

Other Finalists

Abigail Baudains

Abigail Baudains has been nominated for Carer of the Year

Alex Le Pelley

Alex Le Pelley has been nominated for the Carer of the Year award

Chateau Du Village Nursing Home

Chateau Du Village Nursing Home has been nominated for the Carer of the Year award

Cobo Suite at Maison L’Aumone

Cobo Suite at Maison L’Aumone has been nominated for the Carer of the Year award

Dawn Robin

Dawn Robin has been nominated for the Carer of the Year award

Debbie Le Page

Debbie Le Page has been nominated for Carer of the Year award

Emilia Fernandes

Emilia Fernandes has been nominated for the Carer of the Year award

James Le Flem

James Le Flem has been nominated for the Carer of the Year award

Joanne Melia

Joanne Melia has been nominated for Carer of the Year award

Kamila Obacz

Kamila Obacz has been nominated for Carer of the Year

Maggi Pryke

Maggi Pryke has been nominated for Carer of the Year

Rosemary Willey and Alfie the Wag therapy dog

Rosemary Willey and Alfie the Wag therapy dog have been nominated for Carer of the Year award

Russels Day Centre voluntary bus drivers and escorts

Russels Day Centre's voluntary bus drivers and escorts have been nominated for the Carer of the Year award

Sarah Langlois

Sarah Langlois has been nominated for Carer of the Year

Sophie Veron

Sophie Veron has been nominated for the Carer of the Year award

Tom Falla

Tom Falla has been nominated for the Carer of the Year award

Yvonne Chauvel

Yvonne Chauvel has been nominated for the Carer of the Year award