Maggi Pryke

Maggi Pryke has been nominated for Carer of the Year

Maggi Pryke has been a dedicated volunteer at the Guernsey Cheshire Home for around 20 years, first having worked at the Cheshire Home charity shop, and is a much-valued member of the Cheshire Home family.

‘Maggi has a heart of gold, she just has a good nature about her,’ said Kelly Ogier, Maggi’s nominator, who has known Maggi for five years and met her through them both volunteering. 

Maggi adores volunteering at the Cheshire Home and loves the pleasure of seeing residents in the home happy. People say that she is always more than happy to help with anything for anybody, no matter who they are.

‘I don’t do anything for money I just do it, I just enjoy making others happy – it's what makes me happy,’ she said.

Maggi is a ray of sunshine to all who work and volunteer at Cheshire Home, she is inspirational and always brings joy to everyone around her. 

‘I couldn’t think of anyone who deserves this award more than Maggi,’ said Kelly.

Other Finalists

Abigail Baudains

Abigail Baudains has been nominated for Carer of the Year

Alex Le Pelley

Alex Le Pelley has been nominated for the Carer of the Year award

Chateau Du Village Nursing Home

Chateau Du Village Nursing Home has been nominated for the Carer of the Year award

Cobo Suite at Maison L’Aumone

Cobo Suite at Maison L’Aumone has been nominated for the Carer of the Year award

Dawn Robin

Dawn Robin has been nominated for the Carer of the Year award

Debbie Le Page

Debbie Le Page has been nominated for Carer of the Year award

Emilia Fernandes

Emilia Fernandes has been nominated for the Carer of the Year award

James Le Flem

James Le Flem has been nominated for the Carer of the Year award

Joanne Melia

Joanne Melia has been nominated for Carer of the Year award

Kamila Obacz

Kamila Obacz has been nominated for Carer of the Year

Rosemary Willey and Alfie the Wag therapy dog

Rosemary Willey and Alfie the Wag therapy dog have been nominated for Carer of the Year award

Russels Day Centre voluntary bus drivers and escorts

Russels Day Centre's voluntary bus drivers and escorts have been nominated for the Carer of the Year award

Sarah Langlois

Sarah Langlois has been nominated for Carer of the Year

Sophie Bailey

Sophie Bailey has been nominated for the Carer of the Year award

Sophie Veron

Sophie Veron has been nominated for the Carer of the Year award

Tom Falla

Tom Falla has been nominated for the Carer of the Year award

Yvonne Chauvel

Yvonne Chauvel has been nominated for the Carer of the Year award