Cecil Jacob

Cecil Jacob has been nominated for the Customer Service of the Year

Cecil Jacob has been nominated for the Customer Service of the Year award for her endless positivity.

Cecil regularly leaves her Monday morning customers stunned at her energy and cheerfulness.

‘Cecil deserves to be nominated and recognised for the best in customer service because she consistently makes customers smile and treats them like family,’ said one of her nominators, Rona Mariz Gorieza.

‘Her genuine care and exceptional service have significantly enhanced the customer experience and set a new standard for excellence within her job.

‘I have not seen her smile fade despite finishing work late and increased customer demands.’

Cecil has been working at the Manor Hotel in Forest since February last year after moving from the Philippines.

‘I’m surprised – I’m very new to the island so I wasn’t expecting it [the nomination],’ Cecil said.

‘You can tell she’s loving her job, putting her passion into it,’ Rona continued.

‘She’s a really hard-working woman, and always has a smiling face even when she’s been working since the morning, it never changes. I find it amazing to see.’

Other Finalists

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Crepe Maison

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David King

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ESC Booking team

ESC Booking team has been nominated for Customer Service of the Year

Grant Gallie

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Guernsey Post

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Helen Bourne and Sophie Randall

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Jack Lowndes

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Karien Breedt

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Khaye Manahan

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La Perla staff

La Perla's staff have been nominated for the Customer Service of the Year award

Laura Meinke and Chris Brassell

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Lianna Davidson

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Mario Cavagnetto

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Martina De La Mare

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Pamela Coutigan

Pamela Coutigan has been nominated for Customer Service of the Year

Princess Elizabeth Hospital catering staff

Princess Elizabeth Hospital catering staff have been nominated for the Customer Service of the Year award

Rita Kudrjavceva

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Robert Steen

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Samantha Smith

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Saumarez Park Cafe

Saumarez Park Cafe has been nominated for Customer Service of the Year

St Martins’ Healthcare Pharmacy

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The front desk team at the GSPCA

The front desk team at the GSPCA has been nominated for the Customer Service of the Year

The Peninsula Hotel

The Peninsula Hotel has been nominated for the Customer Service of the Year award