Voting ends


Viv Torode

Viv Torode has been nominated for Emergency Hero of the Year

‘Selfless and heroic,’ Viv Torode has been nominated for Emergency Hero of the Year after rescuing a young islander from a smoke-filled car.

Last December Kenieta Domaille, her sons and nephew were involved in a car crash that left the car filling with smoke and one of her sons trapped in the front passenger seat, his door wedged shut by the other vehicle.

He had been briefly knocked unconscious, had just come round and was screaming when Viv intervened.

‘With my car continuing to fill with more and more smoke by the second, I heard a voice shout “We need to get that boy out of that car”, and then the next thing I knew a lady jumped onto the back seat of my smoking car, hooked her hands under my son’s arms and pulled him up and over the back of the seat to safety,’ said Kenieta.

‘It still makes me emotional now all these months on that there are people like Viv out there.’

Unfazed by the situation, Viv added that she thought nothing of the situation and was focused on helping out a fellow mum.

‘It was mother’s instinct, you don’t really think about much when it’s happening – you just do what you need to do.’

Other Finalists

Ambulance and Rescue Guernsey

Ambulance and Rescue Guernsey has been nominated for Emergency Hero of the Year

Community First Responders

Community First Responders have been nominated for the Emergency Hero of the Year

Crew of the Flying Christine

Crew of the Flying Christine has been nominated for Emergency Hero of the Year

Dr Michael Van Den Bossche

Dr Michael Van Den Bossche has been nominated for the Emergency Hero of the Year award

Geoff George

Geoff George has been nominated for Emergency Hero of the Year


GSPCA has been nominated for the Emergency Hero of the Year award

Guernsey Civil Protection

Guernsey Civil Protection has been nominated for Emergency Hero of the Year

Guernsey Community Services North Team and Twilight Team

Guernsey Community Services North Team and Twilight Team have been nominated for Emergency Hero of the Year

Guernsey Fire and Rescue

Guernsey Fire and Rescue has been nominated for Emergency Hero of the Year

Justin De Carteret

Justin De Carteret has been nominated for Emergency Hero of the Year


RNLI has been nominated for Emergency Hero of the Year

Steve Torode

Steve Torode has been nominated for Emergency Hero of the Year