Bailiwick Community Hero

Jim Phillips

Alderney's Jim Phillips was named as the first winner of the Bailiwick Community Hero award for his 23 years of fundraising for the Tripsfund charity.

Mr Phillips found out the good news remotely, since he was still in Alderney watching the ceremony via the internet.

Collecting the award in his place was former Alderney resident Sally Dawber, who told the audience that she and her husband had lived in Alderney for six years and got to know Mr Phillips during that time.

‘He is just the most amazing, selfless, man,’ she said. ‘He’ll do anything for anybody.’

Mr Phillips buys second-hand goods and by selling them on he has raised money to pay for Alderney young people to travel away from the island on a variety of trips.

Speaking after being nominated, Mr Phillips said that he became a teacher in 1982 and had always been involved in fundraising in schools as well as arranging trips.

He estimated that he had raised tens of thousands of pounds over the years: ‘I started Tripsfund here on Alderney due to realising the costs involved in getting off the island, as well as the need to use hotels invariably on the route out and on the way back to the island,’ he said.

He paid tribute to the team behind him for their support and said it was his nature to stay in the background and not seek recognition: ‘I also must seriously acknowledge that a large amount of the populace here on Alderney must have voted for me in order to have reached this level,’ he said.

By giving young people the chance to experience different countries and cultures they would gain a great deal of social experience.

‘Our two Iceland trips we contributed to were a great success as well as a geographical enlightenment. Trekking through the Pyrenees for two weeks tested the St Anne’s students’ stamina and endurance, these examples are just a small sample of groups of individuals we have funded.

‘I am not alone in what Alderney’s Tripsfund achieves. We have a great deal of support as well as following on the island, and it is these individuals I would offer my thanks to.’

Anita Davies and Debbie Duport were the other two finalists in the category.