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Customer Service: Maria Marsh

HER positivity is infectious’: Maria Marsh has been nominated for the DWA-sponsored Customer Service of the Year award.

HER positivity is infectious’: Maria Marsh has been nominated for the DWA-sponsored Customer Service of the Year award.

Mrs Marsh spent a year working on the shop management team at Health Connections. She now works at the Hope Shop on the High Street, which is run by Hope for a Child.

Mrs Marsh said she enjoys working with the public, and providing affordable, sustainable furniture for the island.

The nominator, who wishes to remain anonymous, said: ‘Maria has recently stopped working at Health Connections but she deserves to have her work recognised and be nominated for this award.

‘Maria lights up any room she walks into and is always so friendly.

‘She will start a conversation with anyone who comes into the shop.

‘She ran the Market Square shop so smoothly and efficiently while engaging with all her customers, many of whom would just pop in to say hello to her. 

‘Maria will always be there to offer support and guidance to her customers and her positivity is infectious – she always has a smile on her face.’