These are a few reasons why Anna Robert and Katie Watson nominated the pair for the Grandparent/s of the Year Award, sponsored by the CI Co-operative Society.
Mrs Robert wrote how Mr and Mrs Carter help with school runs, always support and encourage the grandchildren to do new things and ‘generally spoil them rotten’.
‘They have a busy lifestyle, but always make time for them. They are like second parents to the children and love spending time with them’.
Mr and Mrs Carter have four grandchildren, ranging from five to 11 years old, all of whom are going to Blackpool for a week later this year on their first grandparents and grandchildren holiday.
Mrs Carter was touched to receive the nomination and spoke of how close she was to her grandparents and cherishes those memories, which is why she wants to spend as much time as she can with her own grandchildren. ‘It’s nice to spend time with them when they are little, it’s important to spend time with them as it’s important to make these memories’.