Although he now teaches maths, he was previously head of music at the college and it was music lessons that inspired Lauren Prince to nominate Mr Claxton for the Garenne-sponsored Teacher of the Year Award.
Mr Claxton has spent the majority of his teaching career in Guernsey and has taught at Blanchelande for a total of 25 years.
He started out teaching music at Elizabeth College, but also spent three years at a comprehensive school in the UK and nine years teaching English at the then St Sampson’s Secondary School before returning to Blanchelande.
After a time as head of music at the school, he switched to teaching maths.
Lauren said he taught her throughout her time at secondary school. ‘From primary school to sixth form, I have never had a more astounding teacher,’ she said.
‘He is the reason I love music and am doing it for A-level,’ she said.
‘When I left Blanchelande, I found it so hard to say goodbye, mostly because the thought of not having Mr Claxton around any more to help me was disheartening.
‘He was always there when I or anyone else needed him, and he has taught me so much.
‘I am unbelievably grateful to this incredible man.’